Special Needs Fashion Show Directly Hosted by Learning’s Partners – Salisbury Post

Special Needs Fashion Show Directly Hosted by Partners in Learning
Released at 12:00 am on Thursday, August 18, 2022
Salisbury — September is the time for Partners in Learning’s annual fashion show, and it’s actually back this year.
Norma Honeycutt, Executive Director of Partners In Learning, said:
Partners In Learning’s 6th Annual “Just As I Am” Special Needs Fashion Show will take place on Thursday, September 8th at 6pm. “After going virtual for two years, we knew we needed to do something to celebrate our return in reality. We put on an exciting show.”
Jenna Fagert and Meredith Little, owners of three stars of Gems and Tik Tok, will be the MCs for this year’s event, while Emily Stamper will be behind the scenes to make sure the models are runway-ready.
“3 jem’s have supported our fashion shows from the beginning. They always take the time to style our family in the latest fashions and donate clothes to models. So I wanted to promote fashion and play again in the sixth year.”During the pandemic, I joined Tik Tok and started following the trio and their store. With their bright energy and positivity. , always brightened up my day, which is exactly what we needed for our first in-person event, so when I got in touch and they agreed to be our MC I was thrilled,” said Vestal.
Faggart, known as jenna.and.her.gents on TikTok, posts positive dance and comedy content, has over 700,000 followers, and appeared on NBC’s Dancing With Myself. She was also a teacher before she and her sisters opened three jem’s boutiques. “Beyond their fame, what makes them the best thing about this show is that they are all mothers. Mothers who know how to touch their young children, make them smile, and most of all, have fun.” is,” she says Amy Vestal.
“I am very honored to be asked to be the MC for this year’s ‘Just As I Am’ fashion show. We love everything it represents and feel lucky to be a part of it. Cheer on these amazing kids walking down the runway!” Faggart said.
The annual special-needs fashion show, Just As I Am, commemorates Jacob Usher, an alumnus with Down syndrome who died at the age of seven from congenital heart disease. It not only provides community awareness about developmental disabilities, but the need to serve those families in our community. Funds raised from this annual event go to Partners In Learning Dr. Support the Shirley P Ritchie Scholarship Fund. Our scholarships help fund families who cannot afford educational or therapeutic services, adaptive equipment, classroom support and materials, and family support services.
This year’s fashion show will also include an online silent auction.For those who cannot
If you join in person, the show will be streamed live to YouTube.
Donations can be made by mailing a check to 2386 Robin Rd. Salisbury, NC 28144 or visit epartnersinlearning.org. Tickets for the event are also available for purchase on the website.
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