Filipino Adventist Scientists and Science Educators Gather to Promote a Worldview of Creation
The Education Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church of the South Asia-Pacific Region will hold a conference among Filipino Adventist scientists and science educators on the challenge of integrating faith and learning with an emphasis on the worldview of creation. I worked on This prestigious organization represents 1,100 Adventist schools, with 11,661 teachers raising her 136,000 students. The conference will be held August 4-6, 2022 at Mountain View College and will be titled “Integrating Creation Science in Education and Mission.”
A total of 148 science educators and scientists from the Philippine Triunion representatives attended the meeting.
During the opening ceremony, Dr. Beinvenido Mergal, Director of Education, South Asia Pacific Division, gave an overview of the conference. The ultimate goal is primarily to prepare students for life’s great work in this life and for higher and more joyful service in the next life. Also, the main focus is on transforming the student characters into something that resembles God so that they can be saved by God’s Kingdom.
“To achieve this ultimate goal, our teachers must know the basis of our being by adopting a worldview of creation. , teachers cannot understand the essence of the gospel,” says Dr. Margal.
The event was also attended by Dr. Ronald Nalin and Dr. Timothy Standish from the Institute of Geosciences at the General Assembly, as well as Dr. Monte Fleeming from Loma Linda, all in a video presentation. Some prominent Filipino Adventist scientists—Dr. Jose Oclarit, Dr. Ronelie Salvador, Dr. Alma Mohagan, Dr. Lorcelie Taclan, Dr. Orlex Yllano, Dr. Vicky Mergal, Dr. George Razmerita, and Dr. Rowena Antemano has presented several substantial topics in their respective fields of zoology. , biology, geology, behavioral science, theology, all point to the loving and infinitely wise Creator of this vast universe.
The Sabbath celebration was underscored by a powerful sermon by Lord Jacinth Adup, Treasurer of SSD. This sermon spoke of a most loving God who, in spite of sin, had the highest respect for mankind. The meeting concluded with Dr. Bryan Sumendap leading the Commitment Service.