Celebrating the Summer of Science Education | VTx

After a two-year hiatus in which Virginia Tech’s summer camps and events either moved online or were canceled entirely, the college’s camps are back in 2022.
Approximately 160 high school and middle school students attended one of four youth camps, 46 of whom spent seven years at Explore Science.th-9th grade, and – all intended for 11th-12th Graders – 35 participants for Explore Data Science, 32 for Explore Physical Science and 45 for Explore Life Science. Student participants came from all over Virginia to Connecticut.
The camp was led by Assistant Chancellor Victoria Corbyn, who is responsible for outreach and student engagement at the College of Science. She was assisted by many graduate and undergraduate assistants, as well as many faculty and instructors who devoted their time to demonstrating scientific practice.
“I am especially proud of the faculty and staff at our four camps, who have provided our children with an incredible amount of hands-on learning opportunities. Told. all‘ said Corbin. “The campers themselves were a real pleasure to work with. They were very enthusiastic about learning new things and they did. When we asked how we could improve our camp, their main comment was They didn’t want to leave, and it’s all thanks to the amazing faculty and staff who made learning and the adventure that puts college life to the test fun and rewarding.”
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