Blake Anderson: Mental Health, Utah Coach on Son’s Suicide
Utah Coach Blake Anderson released a video on Monday announcing that he and the Aggies program will be dedicating this week’s game against UNLV to raising awareness of mental health. Includes a variety of messages on social media accounts, providing information about resources for those in need, and testimonials from players and staff about their own experiences and struggles with mental health.
Speaking to the camera, Anderson kicked off the round of testimony by sharing the story of her son Kayson, who died by suicide in February.
“Somewhere in the middle of the night when no one was there, Kayson went to a place so dark that he didn’t want to do it anymore,” Anderson said. “He didn’t want to be here anymore…our lives changed forever that morning. A part of me, a part of our family was lost and it will never come back.”
Anderson, 53, said he and his family saw no signs of Kayson struggling and have since dealt with questions about why and how this happened. .
“He didn’t let any of us know,” said Anderson. “There were no red flags. There were no warning signs. If you’re dealing with grief that’s too heavy to handle: Reach out.
Anderson and his family have endured tragedy before. Anderson’s first wife, Wendy, died in 2019 after being diagnosed with breast cancer while he was in Arkansas. His father died about six months after Wendy’s death, and his brother was diagnosed with colon cancer about a year later.
Anderson noted that it was not common for people of his generation to actively discuss mental health struggles. It is useful for
“I grew up in a time and age when as a man I didn’t show that I was hurt. You didn’t show that you were in pain. You didn’t cry. , dust it off, tape it up, and get back to work,'” said Anderson. “Unfortunately, I have probably spent most of my life as a father and as a coach teaching my children the same.
“There are people around you who want to help you. There are people whom God wants to carry your burden in your life. Mental health is important, if you or someone you know is hurting, step up and speak up to help them find the resources they need. I encourage you to do what you can. Silence is too expensive.”
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