How Futurama Tried to Save Science’s Pop Culture Reputation
Cohen and other writers understand that science is morally imperfect, especially when individual processes are still in the early stages of being explored in our own time. It can be dangerous, potentially very dangerous, and there are plenty of shows and movies out there that detail the possible downsides, but ‘Futurama’ also has potential upsides, such as treating illnesses. After all, writers just want to explore science and explore ideas rather than fear them, and that’s a real honor.
Of course, there are a lot of smart geeks in the writer’s room, so there are plenty of math and science jokes hidden in the background. Because those numbers add up to Studio 54. People with an English degree now have access to math jokes. This may actually be a miracle.
“Futurama” is a fantastic and funny series, but also surprisingly smart. Because Cohen and his writers clearly care.