Fact-checking “flashy” educational ads
Little substance, lots of nonsense
Governor Evers launched a new ad last week that focuses on education. vulgarThe ad, doubling down on his signature folklore chatter, doesn’t offer much content. It’s amazing in that it almost completely rewrote his biography.
let’s check vulgar fact:
I was a teacher, principal, superintendent.
Get off to a good start. Evers served as a teacher, principal and superintendent for his 16 years from 1976 until 1992. It’s been 30 years since he worked at the school.
For a million years, I never thought I would be a politician. But when I saw the previous administration cut millions from our schools, demoralize teachers and divide communities, I knew I had to step up. .
Well, it was short lived. Evers ran for public office 25 years before he was and is currently in seventh grade.th statewide campaign.
sheer nonsense
1997 campaign
Evers ran for the first time in 1997 for the statewide political body, the Superintendent of Public Education. That was four administrations and a quarter of a century ago, when Tommy Thompson had just put in two-thirds of his money as governor. Campaigning statewide is no easy task. But Evers’ candidacy was an even more ambitious and politically aggressive move, as he challenged his WEAC-backed liberal fellow, incumbent DPI manager John Benson.
In a rough 1997 campaign, Evers directly criticized fellow Democrat Benson for failing to draw attention to the problems in the state’s education system and for doing good without ringing alarm bells for bad. He said the continued push “undermines our credibility.” Students and school districts have a problem, Evers said, “Being a cheerleader is a given, but the place is not the superintendent’s chair.”
(Yes, this teeth In another ad we recently fact-checked, the same person cheerleading the U.S. News ranking that puts Wisconsin schools at number eight in the nation, about four minutes of students statewide. only 1 of them can do English or math at grade level. )
But that wasn’t the only impressive political move Mr. Evers made in the 1997 election.
He campaigned on the Fish Commission’s recommendation to dismantle the MPS. He accused Benson, who opposed charter schools, of trying to fill them with rules. Evers supported the choice of statewide public schools, saying charter schools work because they “provide local competition, innovation and research.” He called for clear, measurable standards in core academic disciplines to help school districts improve. Under Benson, he said, “DPI became his WEAC minion.” Not the words of a man with no political ambitions.
And when Benson argued that the crisis in public education was “manufactured,” Evers asked again, a quarter of a century ago, in 1997. “Is Milwaukee’s 40% dropout rate in public schools a crisis? Is the fact that most colleges rehabilitate our graduates a crisis?”
3.8% of MPS students with grade level math and 6.4% with grade level English are at risk today, and the university is still repairing graduates from “top 10 national” schools. But when the politically savvy Evers wanted to beat his fellow Democrats, he used the quality of the school as a wedge issue, but today he blames Benson for the same doing things
Evers finished fifth in the 7-way 1997 primary with about 5% of the vote.
2001 campaign
Evers did not deter his political ambitions and ran for the same seat again in 2001.
Again he lost, finishing 3rd out of 7 candidates in the primary. At that time, he said he would never run for the post of Superintendent again. He would do so three more times.
The eventual winner, Libby Bermaster, made Evers the top political appointee of the Office of Education. This is his 3rd administration and he was 20 years ago.
The Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin has been accused of setting a low “cut score” for game accountability measures to make proficiency scores look high. The DPI had set his 8th grade reading pass level at the 14th percentile for him, while states such as South Carolina set him at the 71%. Evers defended the cut score by saying he was proficient in the 14th percentile.
And when the Education Sector, a national nonprofit, ranked states that used jargon to overly welcome student achievement, Wisconsin topped the list. Evers, who denounced this very practice in his match against Benson, defended himself by saying that everything DPI did was “approved.”
2009 campaign
After retiring as a barmaster, he ran for a statewide spot in 2009. This time, he won after violating campaign finance laws by requesting campaign funds and support via state emails when he was deputy superintendent.
This run, which ultimately won, was when Democratic Gov. Doyle was in the “administration.” Doyle cut his $284 million in education spending, and Evers backed his DPI budget. It has undoubtedly demoralized teachers who have caused layoffs and lost jobs based on seniority rather than quality. Doyle also waived the state’s promise to fund his two-thirds.
Evers had no problem with all this in 2009. In fact, in his press release on Doyle’s state speech, “Tony Evers applauds Governor Doyle for Wisconsin’s commitment to public education. Governor’s state speech affirms the importance of education in Wisconsin.”
The 2011 Walker Budget also cut funding for schools, but unlike Doyle, schools offer the flexibility to pay teachers based on merit and give schools the tools to better use and manage their budgets. provided.
still evers vulgar The ad claims 15 years and three statewide campaigns. rear Did Walker’s budget cuts trigger Evers’ involvement when he first stepped into the political arena?
2013 and 2017 campaigns
Evers won re-election in 2013 and was re-elected in 2017. This is 20 years after he ran for office in his first election.
2018 gubernatorial election
When Evers ran for governor in 2018, he was already a veteran of six statewide campaigns and a long-term political appointee with literally decades of political experience.
This is a difficult résumé to portray as one of the political newbies.
Quality education for our children is important to me and important to the future of our state.
Half lie, half truth.
quality education do We suffer from the failure of our education system to do right for our children and right for our taxpayers.
Just as he defended the DPI for setting low scores to improve student proficiency, DPI’s lieutenant advocated for school report cards to help failing schools avoid “F’s.” oversaw a similar effort when he appointed a superintendent who quietly rigged the deductions for the school. School year. Evers rejected a bill that would require him to promulgate regulations to the DPI to change the report card, saying it would “limit his DPI’s ability to improve how school report card scores are calculated.” Stated.
If improvement means misrepresentation, he is not wrong.it is far from his view was He was a novice in politics and accused his party’s opponents of destroying the DPI’s credibility by refusing to ring the alarm about what was bad and always rooting for what was good. But after a quarter century on the political stage, some politicians may lose their moral standards.
Quality Education – It’s clear that where children learn English, math, history and civics is not a top priority for Evers. His priority is to put more money into diversion schools. can It is used to provide its quality education to CRT-based instruction, overly sexual curriculum, and teacher training, teaching how to hide information from parents about children and curriculum.
Claiming in the campaign commercial that he now cares about quality education, the campaign ad is a tribute to the quality of our children’s education under his 20-year leadership as DPI’s top seat and governor. disbelieved by the obvious fact that the Test scores plummeted under his watch.
He worked to keep his children out of school during the pandemic, but the Pediatric Society opposed this, and even Biden’s Secretary of Education admits the children suffered.
He vetoed laws requiring minimum civic education and the Parent Bill of Rights, which guaranteed parents the right to participate in their children’s education in a meaningful way. It’s no secret that children whose parents are engaged are more successful, but his actions stop significant parental involvement.
Guys, I’m not a flashy guy, but I always do the right thing for Wisconsin.
It’s true that he’s not flashy, but he’s a fake, rewriting his resume and history to play the role of “Awe” which his team thinks is his sweet spot.
As for doing the right thing for the state of Wisconsin…he has held positions of great political authority and power throughout the state for the better part of a quarter century, and as an educator, has been a major force in our education system. It’s not right for everyone.