Education is under fire these days, but nothing convinces these teachers they’re in the wrong profession – Chicago Tribune

The teaching profession has gotten some pretty bad reports lately. Earlier this month, CBS News revealed that job openings in Illinois schools had jumped to 28% for him. Kathy Griffin, president of the Illinois Education Association, said: Although there are many negative opinions about education, it is actually one of the greatest professions. ”
Here in Naperville, the picture is less bleak, thanks in large part to the enormous amount of support and resources that both school districts offer teachers.
Alex Maester, executive director of communications for the Naperville 203rd School District, said all regular and certified positions have been filled, but the school is still looking for replacement teachers. Lisa Barry, a counterpart at Indian Prairie School District 204, said she had more than 120 new teachers this year, and “we are very proud that 11% of them are our school district’s alumni.” ‘ said.
The shortage didn’t happen overnight, according to District 204’s Assistant Human Resources Assistant, Louis Lee. Over the past 12 years, he said, the number of students applying for education preparatory programs has fallen.
“The state is looking at huge (problematic) positions that are unfilled,” he said. “While there may be many variables in the decline, the recent COVID-19 pandemic coupled with increased public criticism of education professionals has accelerated the impact driving the current shortage.”
As a result, the number of applicants for teaching positions is declining, and there is a shortage of teaching assistants and special education teaching positions.
Nevertheless, the Naperville school district is attracting new teachers. I spoke to her three of them about why they give their profession his A grade.
27-year-old Shelby Winston is celebrating her fifth year at the Ann Reed Early Childhood Center in the 203rd Ward. She is in the process of moving here from Chicago.
“I started my career as a teacher in a public school in Chicago, but it was tough working with so many highly traumatized kids and without resources,” she said. “We switched here because we felt we deserved to be in a district with partnerships and abundant resources.”
Winston is currently teaching a blended extended class that is a mix of regular children and other children with special needs.
“Pre-K stole my heart,” she admits. “This is the foundation of their education. They are very curious and have a passion to know more. I have the energy to give them that. I am an incredibly patient person and I want to bring my talent and perseverance into early childhood.”
Winston said the pandemic has certainly changed the way she teaches, but it hasn’t changed the way her children learn.
“Zoom was incredibly hard because my kids have a very difficult time concentrating, but we got plenty of time to play with the camera to nurture our virtual community,” she said.
Winston, the daughter of an educator, says her mother tried to keep her out of the profession because she “couldn’t make money.”
“There are a lot of people who look down on it. Think of the saying, ‘If you can’t, teach.’ But it’s the most rewarding career, but the underrated one,” she said. . “I do it for the love of my children.”
Will Marshall, 24, started his teaching career at Burlington Central in Kane County last year and is entering his second year at Naperville Central High School.
“I came out of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and had some book knowledge of ideal situations, but nothing compared to my real-world experience,” said a man who came from a family of educators. Marshall said.
“Now I have a year under my belt and feel more confident in my work,” he said.
Although he grew up in McHenry County, Marshall says he’s always been aware of Naperville’s reputation.
“They understand it’s a partnership, the idea that you need a village to feed these children,” he said. “There is a huge investment made by teachers and administrators in the success of our students. I am excited.
Marshall teaches second grade biology. He says his passion for science began in his youth, with a natural curiosity about the world of science.
“My reason is that I realized that my heart for children is huge,” he said. “You’re making a lasting connection at a very influential time in their lives. I love being a resource and someone they can talk to. It’s a long-lasting relationship.” I think, veteran teachers say so.
“I don’t know who will come to my classroom. I just know that you will be part of that child’s development. To help him find his identity and become a quality member of society.” , I play a small role.”
A graduate of Aurora’s Still Middle School and Warbonsey Valley High School, 27-year-old Sarah Bailey is entering her first year as a special education teacher at Scullen Middle School in Naperville.
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“I got a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy. I thought science was okay, but what I really loved was working with patients and working with people with disabilities. “I was president of the dance ensemble at the University of Kentucky. I worked with students with moderate to severe special needs, and I loved it.” ”
After turning to psychology, Bailey received a master’s degree from Aurora College before lodging in Lockport for a year before returning to the Naperville School District.
“At first I liked working with little kids, but I found that it worked better with middle schoolers,” she said. “This fall, I am working with a multi-purpose, self-contained unit for a variety of disabilities in Skalen.”
Bailey says he is passionate about helping students reach their full potential.
“I am thrilled to join the team of very experienced teachers and welcome the children into the building,” she said. is still seen, many are catching up, but some are still struggling.”
Hilary Descent is a freelance journalist who moved to Naperville from England in 2007.
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