What does the carbon label mean for the fashion industry?
The scale of the carbon footprint is not surprising given the entire life cycle of clothing, from manufacturing to transportation, laundering, and finally disposal in landfills. There is also water pollution caused by the dyeing process and microfibers that end up in the environment.
The rise of fast fashion over the past two decades has only exacerbated the problem, leading to overproduction and overconsumption. Rising demand for new lines is driving business leaders, designers and manufacturers to opt for cheaper materials with shorter lifespans. These low-quality materials make clothing easy to dispose of, difficult to upcycle, and less durable.
Sustainability is a top priority for consumers
Apparel companies, recognizing the detrimental impact of the industry, are working to combat this issue. Since the late 80’s, these companies have integrated environmental commitments into their business models. Increased media attention to the global climate crisis has made the public more aware of their purchasing power and decision making. Driven by a desire for a more sustainable future, Generation Z is further driving the fashion industry’s shift towards higher ethical standards and greater transparency. Gen Z influence will continue to grow as baby boomers exit the market while their purchasing power increases. Therefore, fashion brands must make this a top priority in order to remain relevant.
Most established brands, as well as emerging fashion companies, recognize the importance and profitability of adopting a more sustainable approach. For example, in the past year, Adidas and Allbirds partnered to create running shoes with a carbon footprint of his 2.94kg. This is the lowest level both brands have achieved to date. The success of the initial release in December 2021 led to an expanded release the following spring.
As COP27 approaches, attention is focused on how companies are successfully turning last year’s climate pledges into measurable action. The fashion world is demanding greater transparency and visibility into manufacturing methods, as well as a shift to second-hand and upcycling. Consumers look up their favorite brands’ credit reports before making a purchase decision. Since 2015, applications and alternative options that provide a sustainable and ethical reputation for these brands have been highly successful.
Given this general attitude and the fact that there has already been a lot of discussion about the possible introduction of carbon footprint labels within the food and beverage industry, clothing labels can provide information and assessment. It is not unreasonable to imagine that. Environmental impact of products.
Its widespread implementation will have far-reaching implications, especially for apparel and textile producers. Specifically, it promotes higher standards of conduct and consideration for the environmental impact of apparel and textile manufacturing.
Keeping up with evolving regulations
If this type of carbon labeling were to become mandatory in the textile and apparel sector, the challenge for manufacturers would be to ensure that the labels are accurate and remain compliant. Our survey of 300 IT executives in manufacturing industries in the US, UK, France and Germany found that 76% of respondents said more than 10% of their goods were mislabeled each year. Overall, more than a quarter (26%) reported that more than 25% were misrepresented on an annual basis. This is simply because traditional labeling systems and outdated processes are inadequate.
Implementing a labeling solution that allows you to centrally manage label design and printing across your entire business or multiple sites can help reduce label errors. Correct labeling also means that extended supply chains are more sustainable by eliminating relabeling. That means less waste and waste. The cloud can also future-proof your labeling process by providing scalability and minimizing reliance on time-consuming and costly IT resources.
There is great potential for using this kind of labeling to address one of the greatest global priorities of our generation, but if business leaders are unwilling to embrace innovation, there is no way to make it happen. The road is not smooth. Adopting a modern cloud-based labeling solution will give companies the flexibility they need to comply with changing labeling requirements, such as the proposed carbon label, ensuring they are compliant both now and in the future. I can.
David Dillon is Loftware’s Global Labeling Solutions Executive, specializing in managing global software projects in the food and beverage, apparel and clothing tagging industries. Prior to joining Loftware, David worked in print and application automation for a global thermal printer manufacturer.