VUSD paves the way for students to achieve higher education
“UC Merced was founded not just for volleyball, but for volleyball,” Noji said.
To meet the UC Merced eligibility criteria, students must complete all required AG high school courses. This is a class that meets college entry requirements and must hold and maintain a 3.5 grade point average. You must also have a grade of C or better in class.
Di Meo said VUSD has always arranged field trips to colleges and universities such as College of the Sequoias, California State University, Fresno and Fresno Pacific University. However, staff are now working to expand these field trips so that more students can visit his four-year college.
“Many of our students have never been to a four-year campus,” says Di Meo. “Imagine how exciting it would be for them to just walk the campus grounds and realize they could be there.”
Partnerships with universities align with new state requirements passed in June 2021 in a timely manner. This requirement requires all California high school students to complete a free application for the Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. The new requirements began for the 2022-23 school year.according to California School Boards Association blog posta new approach expands access to financial aid for students statewide to empower them in making college and long-term career decisions. You can opt out by completing a waiver.