Using science to defend non-science
Hitler’s gas chambers and Nazi Germany’s genocide of Jews and Roma made it difficult to talk about racial superiority of any particular race, but scientific racism persisted in science. I’m here.
That’s part of the justification the elites seek, to justify being superior to their genes (as mentioned above, genetic recombination, mutation, etc. are not permanent traits). . This is how we airbrush the history of booty, slavery and genocide that accompanied the colonization of the world by a few Western European nations.
Why are references to eugenics in popular literature about Nazi Germany and not German eugenics laws taken directly from the United States? Or how are German and American eugenics deeply intertwined? How did Mendel’s legacy of genetics end up in the hands of racist nations, including the United States and Britain? Why? If humans originated somewhere in Africa, the black skin color gene would be wild and superior to the mutated white skin color gene.
Facts begin with the a priori assumption that only the superficial facts of genetics are considered and that certain races are superior, and then attempt to select the evidence to support this thesis by examining specific races. was considered to show the superiority of
Much of the IQ debate and sociobiology grew out of this approach to science. A reviewer for The Bell Curve (Bob Herbert, The New York Times, October 26, 1994) wrote that authors Charles Murray and Richard Hernstein wrote “race porn.” The obscene, long discredited view of the world’s most radical racist. “
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