Have You Ever Taken Out a Payday Loan? You Could Be Owed Compensation!
Everybody knows the feeling: money is tight, bills keep piling up, and there’s always some unforeseen expense on the horizon. A fast payday loan could sound like the ideal way to get by when money is tight. Payday lenders haven’t always been fair, and if you’ve been the victim of mis-sold loans or other unfair tactics, you might have a case for compensation.
Here’s the good news – the experts at Fast Track Reclaim are making it easier than ever to get the money you deserve from payday lenders. As a claims management company, they handle every step of the process for you. Let me explain how it works and why you could have a claim.
Why Can I Now Claim on Payday Loans?
I took out the loans honestly, so why should I owe anybody anything? In actuality, payday loan companies owe borrowers a duty of care. Thorough affordability checks are performed before a loan is approved to ensure that the borrower can actually repay the loan amount using their income and costs. Lenders have often been found wanting in their execution of these inspections.
Many people have been devastated by the effects. Many borrowers were given payday loans that they simply could not afford, forcing them into a never-ending cycle of debt where they had to keep taking out new loans each month just to make ends meet. As the fees and interest piled up, individuals found themselves in a precarious financial situation with no apparent way out.
The good news is that payday loan companies have been severely punished for their reckless lending practices by the Financial Conduct Authority. Serious repercussions await lenders found guilty of unfairly treating clients or misselling loans. And it is when the chance to seek recompense arises.
So Am I Eligible to Claim?
There are several situations where you could have grounds to file a complaint and seek compensation from a payday lender. The team at Fast Track Reclaim state you may be able to claim if:
- Your lender failed to make all the charges and interest rates fully clear before you took out the loan
- You had to continually “re-borrow” or take out new loans to pay off previous ones from the same lender
- You had to borrow from a different lender just to pay off a payday loan
- The loan repayments were so high that you were left short for essentials like rent, utilities, and groceries
- It’s evident that your lender did not properly check your income, expenses and whether you could truly afford the loan
- Your lender approved you for a loan that was simply unaffordable based on your circumstances
If any of those situations apply to loans you took out in the past, you could have an extremely strong claim for compensation. Even if your case doesn’t fit into one of those categories, it’s still worth checking as there may have been other instances of mis-selling or unfair practices.
The great news? You’ll never pay a penny upfront to explore your claim with Fast Track Reclaim. Their fees are expressed as a clear percentage of any compensation amount they secure on your behalf.
How the Fast Track Reclaim Process Works
Taking action and getting the compensation ball rolling is refreshingly straightforward. Here’s how the Fast Track Reclaim process works:
- Select Your Lenders: First, you’ll need to make a list of every single payday loan company you’ve used, going as far back as you can remember. Don’t worry if it’s been years since you used some of them – as long as you have a few key details like loan dates and reference numbers, that should be sufficient.
- Complete the Online Form: Next up, you’ll complete the initial claim form on the Fast Track Reclaim website with key information about you, your loans, and your circumstances at the time. Don’t worry, it’s an easy step-by-step form that guides you through everything.
- Leave the Rest to Fast Track! Simply hit submit, and the team at Fast Track Reclaim takes it from there. Their experts will carefully review your details, calculate estimates of any compensation you may be owed, and kick off the official complaints process. They handle all the nitty-gritty back-and-forth with lenders so you never have to chase things up yourself.
And perhaps the biggest advantage of using an experienced claims firm – Fast Track Reclaim charges fees of no more than 36% (including VAT) of any compensation amount, capped at that level to ensure you keep the maximum amount possible. No upfront costs, just a simple contingency fee from any payout they secure.
Why Use a Claims Company?
Of course, it’s completely up to you whether you use a claims management firm like Fast Track Reclaim or go it alone when filing payday loan complaints. The Financial Ombudsman Service provides instructions on how to claim directly with lenders yourself, at no cost.
However, many people opt for professional representation for several key reasons:
- Claims companies handle every step so you avoid dealing with the hassle and paperwork
- Their expertise maximizes your chances of success and negotiating higher compensation amounts
- You have a team of experts on your side who know lenders’ tactics and contest any rejections robustly
- There’s no financial risk, as firms like Fast Track Reclaim only get paid if your case is a success
At the end of the day, the choice is yours. But by using a reputable firm that is 100% transparent about fees, you could maximize your payday loan compensation while avoiding months of admin and stress. Pretty good value for 36 pence of every £1 recovered, right?
It’s Time to Claim Your Share
With any luck, this synopsis has helped you to better understand the reasoning behind the surge in compensation claims filed against payday lenders. The harsh reality is that if you got into trouble with overpriced payday loans, it’s likely because you were misled or taken advantage of. Never let yourself feel bad about asking for your money back; after all, the lenders are the ones who engaged in unethical behaviour.
Securing your share of rightful compensation can ease financial pressures and provide closure on that unhappy chapter of your life. Thanks to companies like Fast Track Reclaim making the process so straightforward, there’s simply no excuse not to assess your eligibility.
If payday loans caused you distress, hardship or spiralling debt, I’d strongly encourage you to check your claim options immediately. Every day you delay is another day that money owed to you goes unclaimed. Take that first step to getting the justice and restitution you deserve. You have nothing to lose by seeing if you have a case!