Urban Corps Recruits Youth for Education and Service Programs
San Diego County Urban Corps is recruiting youth ages 18-26 at its new North County location in Escondido.
Non-profit conservation organizations help young people without a high school diploma increase their employability and career opportunities through education, life skills training, and paid work experience in projects that benefit their communities. We help you get trained to grow.
Co-op members work four days a week on community projects such as tree planting, construction and landscaping, habitat restoration, graffiti removal and recycling; I go to school for one day. A high school to obtain a high school diploma.
Participants will receive a salary and benefit from the nonprofit’s services through the development department, including one-on-one assistance with career counseling, life skills workshops, resumes, employment, college applications, job placement, etc. I can.
“Urban Corps is a one-stop shop to help young adults get second chances. It’s also an opportunity,” said Kyle Kennedy, CEO of Urban Corps.
After completing a program at Urban Corps, young people will have the skills and confidence they need to succeed in the workplace. On average, 90% of his graduates from this program get a job or go to college.
Founded in 1989, San Diego County’s Urban Corps helps find ways to expand career opportunities for the county’s most vulnerable youth through paid job training, support services and education.
An information session will be held at 2200 Micro Place, Escondido, on Mondays (excluding holidays) at 9:30 am. No reservation required. Walk-ins are welcome.
Urban Corps is also looking for a supervisor for its North County location to help train and supervise Corps members. Candidates should have experience working in construction, urban forestry, or the environment. Please email your resume and cover letter to info@urbancorps.org.
For more information, visit urbancorpssd.org.