Local group ‘Education Crusade’ calls for transparency, accountability and reform in Washoe County School District

SPARKS, NV, Colorado – The fallout continues after last week’s fallout involving an altercation involving a teacher at Dilworth Middle School on December 15, 2022.
Local resident Paul White created a group called the “Educational Crusade”.
“The education movement is about identifying problems, offering solutions, and demanding better leadership,” said White.
Lawyer Joey Gilbert spoke at the rally and advocated for reform. “I’ve been to all 17 counties. It’s not just one county, it’s the same in all counties. The problem is the same across the board. We have to get rid of this restoration justice.” This recovery discipline has to go away,” Gilbert said of Nevada. Congressional Bill AB-168 passed in 2019.
“We will not just take legal action, we will go to Congress and let them know that these policies have become a disaster. There is, and it has to be changed.” Gilbert.
The “Crusaders” claim that the Washoe County School District continues to cover up incidents that threaten the safety of teachers and students and want to take action.
“If you are a teacher, parent, student and are being physically, psychologically, mentally or sexually harmed in this school system, you should contact my office,” he said. Told. Gilbert.
“I think we all need to address these issues in schools, not just school districts. It’s not just a district issue, it’s a community issue,” said concerned grandmother of a student, Valerie Fianaca. Said at WCSD school.
The Education Crusade also announced the opening of a confidential hotline at (775) 685-8200 where WCSD employees, students and parents can report abuse, unsafe or dysfunctional activities that threaten school safety.
The group said it plans to visit more schools in the area and has ideas on how to reform the district for the better. and announced an all-staff meeting to discuss plans for ‘safety needs’.
A WCSD official declined to comment on the “Education Crusade” complaint.
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