Living History Camp Provides Education for LogJam Festival Attendees

MOSNY, Wisconsin (WSAW) – The Moshiny LogJam Festival wrapped up its 2022 weekend this afternoon.
Petting zoos and cornhole tournaments were just a few of the fun activities available for people of all ages. One event in particular, Living History Camp, served as an educational tool for visitors to not only learn about the history of Wisconsin River Alley in their area, but also about life during the war. Overall, the event covers history from 6000 BC to 1920 BC, including the Civil War, the War of Independence, and the French and Indian Wars.
Many volunteered to recreate wartime life, with a strong form of education being the main focus.
“Those who ignore the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it,” says historian and reenactor Raymond Glasner. “I’ve believed it all my life.”
Raymond Glasner is a performer who also has a strong background in history education. With a combination of knowledge and pleasure to recreate, he found it the perfect combination to deliver a memorable history.
“My approach is to try to make history fun for my students by teaching different things,” Glazner says.
People of all ages can enjoy themselves at festivals, but there is particular value in giving children a unique face-to-face learning experience.
Al Erickson, LogJam event coordinator and Friends president, said: “There are so many activities and so many things they can do. I think this experience is a great, a great family event, a great family event.”
Next month, festival officials will come together to plan early for a successful 2023.
To volunteer for the festival, click here.
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