Digital marketing holds the key to sales generation and economic recovery

In this interview with BUNMI BAILEY, TEMITAYO OYINYEMI, Marketing Director at Primeclick Marketing, a digital advertising agency, discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has shaped the digital We have discussed how to use it to promote rebound. excerpt:
The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted more consumers to adopt digital channels. How has the pandemic impacted the digital marketing industry in Nigeria?
With 90% of consumers dramatically migrating to online channels, the pandemic has certainly elevated advertising and marketing. Companies and industries have responded using new strategies and practices to remain competitive in this new business and economic environment.
Industry is at the center of all interactions as it is the meeting place for organizations and their target audiences. This has shaped the industry in a positive direction, as most digital channels have become the primary (and sometimes sole) customer engagement model and automated processes have become the primary driver of productivity.
The industry is growing rapidly in Nigeria and is highly competitive. Can you explain why?
The world is now connected online and more and more organizations are looking to establish an online presence. Digital marketing has revolutionized the field of advertising and marketing strategy.
It is highly effective, financially feasible and broader. Use stronger techniques to put your business in order, efficiently scale your current scale to maximum levels, and personally impact every customer. This further enhances the communication of customization and personalization with customers, a win-win game. The range of work will also expand. The digital marketing industry shows enormous growth and revenue transforming the nation and the world in real time.
Since the pandemic first hit, the shift to digital has accelerated exponentially, putting pressure on traditional advertising channels. Do you think traditional channels are still valuable and effective?
Sure, the shift is happening at unprecedented levels, but traditional channels still play a critical role and are still worthwhile and effective, depending on the strategic goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) of your marketing team and business. target.
Does digital marketing have the potential to address the country’s high unemployment rate?
Yes, it is. The rise of online interaction has increased other technical skills such as product design, software development, cybersecurity, and data science, but not everyone belongs to the tech world.
Digital marketing has become one of the most popular skills sought and needed by employers. do you think there is a gap? If so, how can this be addressed?
In the ever-expanding digital marketplace, most businesses thrive for people who can ride the wave of innovation, have the right training and position themselves for career growth.
Also Read: Udomiaye: Transforming Nigeria’s Digital Marketing Ecosystem
To win digital marketing opportunities, young professionals need to focus on building the necessary digital marketing skills to fill the skills gap and thereby prove themselves most beneficial to prospective employers. Harnessing the power of talented individuals in digital marketing will only enrich the entire industry and drive innovation forward dynamically.
According to the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), as of June 2022, there are 151 million internet users in Nigeria.
With broad data coverage in Nigeria, the digital marketing space will be able to reach a much larger audience than the limited number previously available. A wider audience equals more sales.
Because digital marketing relies on the internet. What type of marketing strategy should a company adopt to effectively increase sales?
Marketing and sales are closely linked. To drive sales, brands leverage social media, maximize search engine optimization (SEO), create unique and mouth-watering calls to action (CTAs), host webinars, and create engaging content. You should build a mailing list that includes
Digital Marketing Challenges in Nigeria and How Can the Government Address It?
Like any business, digital marketing presents many challenges. This includes, but is not limited to, privacy concerns typically raised by consumers. Reduce the impact of targeted advertising. Fraudulent clicks by bots and malicious actors are also a major challenge, as is consumer confidence in online purchases.
How profitable is the digital marketing industry?
At scale, it is a profitable business. But the economy also affects business.
Please give a brief background on Primeclick Marketing and the services it offers.
PrimeClick Media is a performance-driven digital advertising agency that uses pay-per-click digital advertising to generate quality leads and customers, thereby improving KPIs to help businesses acquire new customers for growth. We help you get a
We are experts in managing the various digital advertising platforms available, including Google Ads, Facebook and Instagram Ads, and Programmatic Ads. Over the years, we have been able to deliver quality results to companies that have classified cutting-edge digital advertising services. A 100% refund policy also applies if our advertising services do not deliver the agreed results.

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