Dare County News | Dare County, North Carolina

Dare County Health and Human Services Director Dr. Sheila Davies presented the 2021-2022 Community Health Needs Assessment at the Town of Manteo Health Care Task Force meeting on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 at 9:00 am.
This comprehensive assessment of the health needs of citizens in the Dare County community is conducted every three years in collaboration with Outer Banks Hospital, the Dare County Department of Health and Human Services, and Outer Banks Healthy Carolina.
The 2021-2022 assessment is part of the Community Health Needs Assessment effort for 33 counties in eastern North Carolina, which aims to address the community health needs of Dare County in a broader section across the region. You can compare it with your personal health needs.
The information contained in the 280-page assessment is drawn from primary data, such as community surveys and focus groups with mental health counselors, and secondary data, including statistics from the North Carolina Center for Health Statistics and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. and Prevention (CDC) and other health agencies.
Once the assessment process is complete, Outer Banks Healthy Carolinians, a community stakeholder partnership, analyzes the data and creates a prioritization ranking to determine which areas are most needed and which should be addressed. identify the feasibility of addressing the problems identified. Be top priority.
Following the prioritization process, task forces are created, action plans are developed and monitored to track the success of efforts made to address the most pressing health needs across the Dare County community.
According to the 2021-2022 evaluation and prioritization ranking process, the top three priorities to be addressed in Dare County are mental health, substance abuse, and access to care.
To view Dr. Davies’ evaluation presentation at the Health Care Task Force meeting in the town of Manteo, visit click here. To view the presentation slides, click click hereTo access the full 280 page assessment report, visit click here.
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