Behavioral health jobs need explosive growth to keep up with demand

The San Diego area needs to add more than 18,500 behavioral health workers over the next five years to meet the mental health and addiction treatment needs of the community, according to a report completed at the request of county leaders. It was announced on Monday that it was found that there was
A report from the San Diego Workforce Partnership found that by 2027, the San Diego area will need to add these behavioral health workers to meet growing needs and a growing population. . It also offers several solutions to address this problem, including the establishment of a $128 million employee training fund and the development of regional training centers.
“We have invested in new mental health and addiction treatment services at unprecedented levels, but finding well-trained behavioral health practitioners is proving difficult,” said the county superintendent. said Nathan Fletcher of ‘s behavioral system is severely understaffed.
“With the data in this report and the recommendations it outlines, our region now has a roadmap for expanding and diversifying its workforce,” he said. requires support from the private sector, nonprofits and governments.”
The report, Addressing the Behavioral Health Worker Shortage in San Diego, estimates that by 2027, the San Diego area will need an estimated 27,600 people to meet unmet behavioral health needs while accommodating a growing population. Emphasizes the need for behavioral health professionals.
Based on employment trends, an estimated 7,800 behavioral health professionals are expected to leave the profession by 2027. Starting with about 17,000 workers currently on the site, the San Diego area will have to educate, train, attract, hire, and/or retain. Between 2022 and 2027 he has 18,500 professionals.
Luke Bergman, director of the county’s behavioral health services, said, “Some of what the report says may come as a shock. “But if we want behavioral health to be what it is, we have to be ambitious. At least on par with other health care. This report is for the County of San Diego. It is an anchor for work that transforms the health of behavioral problems in.”
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