Are you feeling stressed?7 simple actions to improve your mental health
It’s not just you: Many people report feeling overwhelmed by stress. The Covid-19 pandemic, inflation, politics and social divisions are all making our collective mood worse. Mental health is taking a hit and people are looking for solutions.
If you feel your mental health has changed, you should talk to your health care provider about your options. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to mental health, and what works for one person may not work for another.
While therapy and medication are absolutely beneficial for some people, other mental health interventions can also reduce cognitive load. strategies have been considered. Here are some of the best takeouts ever.
If you want to improve your mental health, try these 7 proven tips.
7. Build a “coping toolbox”
Experts say coping strategies need to match the person and the moment. Second, your “coping toolbox” should include skills for different types of coping. For example, problem-solving coping strategies include engaging with the outside world. Emotional coping strategies are introverted. Both can help people become more resilient. There is also proactive coping. This includes actions such as visualizing a dream and how you want to achieve it. This can reduce the potential for future stress.
6. Experiment with expressive writing
One of the best things you can do when you’re experiencing mental health issues is find ways to express what you’re feeling in a healthy way. This can be done in a number of ways, such as therapy, talking to friends, or journaling. Any kind of journaling is helpful, but the most helpful is looking back at your challenges and what’s going well in your life. The benefits of expressive writing go beyond mental health. Research on it suggests that this exercise can help manage stress and strengthen the immune system.
5. Enter the flow state
A “flow state” is a state of mind in which you are completely absorbed in an activity. It is seen as the experience of being so immersed in a pleasurable activity that one loses sight of the outside world. Additionally, experts say that ticking two boxes can turn most activities into “flow activities.” Activities should give you a boost and allow you to track your progress. But the point is to encourage them to zone in, not zone out. This is why mobile phone scrolling doesn’t count. On the other hand, going into a flow state can help. Studies show that the experience reduces anxiety and shortens waiting times.
4. Nature experience
The benefits of being in a green and blue space have been documented in numerous studies. Being outside helps rejuvenate how you feel psychologically and physically. Even a short amount of time outdoors can boost your well-being. Listening to the sound of running water or birds chirping can improve your mood, reduce stress, and improve your cognitive abilities. Nature is so beneficial that some psychologists are proposing a new treatment called garden therapy.
3. Enjoy leisure time
While it’s tempting to regret not being busy, it’s also important to set aside plenty of time for leisure. People who say they feel guilty about their leisure time are also more likely to report depression, anxiety, and stress. But, almost ironically, one of the best ways to meet these challenges is to give yourself a moment of recovery. Plus, research shows that people are more productive in the long run when they take breaks. “If we constantly associate productivity with tasks and don’t give room for downtime, we may burn out,” says clinical psychologist Jennifer Newman. It creates a lot of stress and slows us down.”
2. Stop scrolling
Social media can enhance or weaken positive emotions, depending on how you use it. Sending a message to a friend or looking at an old photo is a reminder of your social connections and can help you develop positive emotions. However, passive use of social media (such as seemingly endless Twitter scrolling) is associated with lower happiness. Passive use of social media also means that we are more likely to encounter news that causes anxiety. Staying informed is important, but experts say it’s better for your brain to actively choose the article you want to read than to stumble upon it.
1. Recognize that you matter
It may sound cheesy, but it’s true. Mattering is a source of resilience and joy, and when we experience crisis, the experience helps us adapt and survive. Importance researcher Gordon Frett, of York University, said there is evidence that people who feel unimportant are more likely to have worse mental and physical health. Told me. Next, people can feel important through some actions, such as reading stories of people who have done incredible things and remembering that many have had similar experiences. can grow.
“People tend to be hit hardest when they tell themselves that they are the only ones in the situation they find themselves in and that no one else knows how they feel. ‘ says Frett. “But they have a lot of company with other people who feel that way. Emphasizing someone that ‘you’re not alone’ is not a cliché.”