Why teaming up with microbes is important for maintaining good health
Growing Evidence That Diversity and Richness Are Good for Your Gut Microbiome
You are a microbe, and your colon is said to be one of the most densely populated ecosystems on the planet. And in that relationship, both sides win. Your gut is a haven for over 100 trillion microbes. At the same time, gut microbes (mostly bacteria, but also viruses, fungi, and protozoa) produce thousands of metabolites that complement many of the host’s functions, such as food digestion and immune system development. To do.
However, the delicate balance between the various gut microbes can be disrupted by modern lifestyles and chronic diseases.
Not only the composition of the gut microbiota, but also the number of different species and how evenly they are distributed in the gut (diversity), and their gene number (abundance) as a measure of their potential function. ) are hallmarks of the gut microbiome found in healthy individuals and reduce disease.
What are the science-based methods to restore high levels of gut microbiota abundance and stability?
Birth type and early childhood feeding are the times when the body first encounters beneficial microbes, and this period marks a key developmental stage in the relationship between those microbes and humans.
As we age, lifestyle, especially diet, becomes the most powerful tool for maintaining a rich gut microbiota and a healthy gut. , can affect the amount and function of gut microbes, which in turn can affect health and quality of life.
The best recipes for achieving richness and diversity goals are plant foods rich in fiber and polyphenols, foods rich in omega-3s and glutamine, and fermentations that provide potential health benefits to living microorganisms. Include lots of food in your diet.
10th anniversary interviewth Dr. Joël Doré, Research Director of the INRAE Micalis Institute and MetaGenoPolis, provides an update on why cherishing our intimate relationship with microbes is important for balancing human health.
See previous expert interviews here.
Stay tuned for upcoming video interviews with other members of the GMFH Expert Panel. Also, don’t forget to join the conversation on Twitter (@GMFHx When @GutMicrobiotaWW) using hashtags #GMFH10 years.
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