What Science Says About Diet for Cholesterol
The conversation about the relationship between diet and high cholesterol and the best eating habits to maintain cholesterol seems to be constantly changing, and it can be very difficult to keep up with the changing scientific findings.Previous 5 Studies published over the years suggest that diet is one of the most important factors in preventing conditions such as heart disease and high cholesterol.
People may once believed that all they needed to do to keep high cholesterol at bay was to abstain from low-cholesterol heavy foods and red meat, but then the debate over high-cholesterol monitoring became , has evolved to place greater emphasis on the importance of nutritious foods. and our entire daily eating pattern. According to research published by the American Heart Association, it’s more beneficial to focus on improving your eating patterns and the overall quality of your diet, rather than just individual foods.
So what does the latest research say about making important changes to your daily diet? Read on to find out more. For healthy eating tips, check out these 11 low-calorie superfoods you should eat every day.
Dietary cholesterol is not a problem
A common misconception about high cholesterol is that the primary way to lower it is to reduce dietary cholesterol consumption.
Your body produces much more cholesterol itself than you consume from food, according to the Cleveland Clinic. The impact is probably not as great as you might assume. conclude that is important.
The CDC and the American Heart Association agree that foods high in both saturated and trans fat can have a big impact on cholesterol levels, but the issue can be a little more complicated than that. I have.
What you need to know about saturated fat
One of the biggest debates about diet and cholesterol is whether you should eliminate saturated fat from your diet.
The CDC claims that saturated fat can raise cholesterol levels, so limiting foods high in saturated fat, such as red meat and certain dairy products, can keep cholesterol within a healthy range. You can keep it. While there is some truth to this point, there are other perspectives to consider.
For example, a 2020 study found Journal of the American College of Cardiology They found that if you avoid all saturated fats, you may be missing out on healthier sources of saturated fats. They may miss out on beneficial nutrients found in foods such as full-fat dairy and even dark chocolate.As a result, they end up consuming more empty sugar and refined carbohydrates from other food sources. It may become
Review published in the 2021 issue of nutrition, metabolism and cardiovascular disease In many cases, it turns out that consuming red meat high in saturated fat may have a much lower impact on cholesterol than previously believed. replaced with plant-based meats may help lower cholesterol in some individuals.
With these diverse and complex views prevalent, the American College of Cardiology is now focusing more on overall dietary quality, even if saturated fat can affect a person’s cholesterol levels. Consistently including more nutritious foods at every meal may become more advantageous in the future.
eat a lot of vegetables
One indisputable point is the benefits of consuming fruits, vegetables, and whole grains regularly as part of a healthy, balanced diet, and ultimately controlling and rising cholesterol. This is a means of reducing the possibility of
For example, a study published in 2020 Environmental research and public health We found that consuming vegetables daily, rather than once or twice a week, had a positive effect on lowering LDL cholesterol. nutrition, metabolism and cardiovascular diseasethe researchers also concluded that high-fiber foods, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains all have a positive effect on lowering cholesterol levels in the body.
Fibrous foods help manage cholesterol in the body, but most Americans don’t get enough fiber each day. nutrients But eating multiple vegetables a day is a good place to start.
As you can see, the topic of dietary patterns and cholesterol can get a little complicated, especially as new developments continue. You can also talk to your doctor if you have any doubts. Your doctor will not only help you sort through the complexities of scientific research, but will also provide health advice based on your unique needs to support quality cholesterol levels. We can also suggest specific dietary strategies.