The SC Philharmonic Orchestra will receive a grant to fund a Linkup program for

The South Carolina Philharmonic has been awarded a $15,000 Arts Education Project grant from the South Carolina State Arts Commission to support the Orchestral Link Up program in collaboration with Carnegie Hall.
This grant will provide more than 2,000 students in Calhoun, Edgefield, Lee, Newbury, and Saluda counties with high-quality education, including classroom materials, online video and audio resources, and the professional development and support they need. We offer a quality, flexible annual curriculum for free. Make the program an engaging experience for students. In addition, these districts will have free admission and transportation to presentations of SC Philharmonic Orchestra’s Link His Upconcert during the 2022-23 season and his 2023-24 season.
The South Carolina State Commission for the Arts is supported in part by awards from the National Endowment for the Arts and works in partnership with state arts institutions and the National Congress of the Southern Arts. This project is supported by funds from the American Rescue Plan’s Elementary and Middle School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds provided to the South Carolina Arts Commission in partnership with the SC Department of Education.
For over 35 years, Link Up has taught orchestral and community schools from grade 3 to explore orchestral repertoire and fundamental musical skills, including creative working and composition, through a hands-on music curriculum. I’ve been pairing 5th grade students.
The SC Philharmonic Orchestra has successfully delivered Carnegie Hall’s Weill Music Institute Link Up Program to Midland public and private schools and homeschooling organizations for the past six years (pre-COVID). Today, the SC Phil is the organization’s first full-time educational and community outreach organization, under the direction of her director, Susan Cafferty. Eager to offer her Link Up to counties with limited availability. program and funding. According to the State Board of Education, music education has been identified as an area of significant need, with Calhoun, Lee, Newbury, and Saluda counties considered as areas of significant need. With the support of a Semester Arts Education Project Grant, the SC Philharmonic provides students and teachers with his two-year music curriculum, classroom materials, professional development, online and audio resources, transportation, orchestral links to his up Offers free admission to performances. January 2023 and he February, winter 2024.
In an ongoing collaboration with Carnegie Hall, the South Carolina Philharmonic Orchestra participates in Link Up: The Orchestra Rocks, a music education program offered by Carnegie Hall’s Weill Institute for Music (WMI). More than 7,500 students participating in the Link Up curriculum will attend one of four premier concerts at the Koger Center for the Arts on January 31st and February 1st, 2023 and have a seat Sing and play the recorder and violin with the orchestra. This experience often serves as the student’s first concert, providing students with an opportunity to apply the musical concepts they have learned, giving them the experience of singing and playing the recorder and violin along with the orchestra from their seats. To do.
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