Supporting Teachers, Helping Children Educate – Longmont Times Call

The most important part of our school has always been the teachers. This has always been a challenging and rewarding job.
Years ago, a teacher could support a family on a teacher’s salary. Teachers were respected by the community. Parents expected their children to show the same respect for their teachers.
Many things have changed over the years.
Colorado has some of the lowest funding per student in the country, but at least here in Longmont and the surrounding communities, we offer great educational opportunities in great facilities. This is not the case in many countries.
Especially in places like Boulder County, school teacher salaries generally don’t keep up with the cost of living. Teacher salaries are lower than non-teacher college-educated teachers, according to the Economic Policy Institute. Her salary in 2021 will be 23.5% less than a comparable college graduate.
Many teachers have to take out loans to finish college and are struggling to pay them back. Part of the problem is that the interest rates on these loans are unconscionable.
Despite low wages, many teachers use their own money to pay for supplies that some parents were unable to afford.
Teacher’s Day doesn’t end when the bell rings. Teachers take grading papers home and work on lesson plans for the next day. The teacher cares about her student so much that she takes time to meet with her parents.
When Carla O’Boyle died, several Latinos in their 30s spoke at her memorial service. Each of them credited Carla for making it through the school system and finding success after graduation. Jared Polis read this story to the Congressional Record when he was a member of Congress. Carla is also there.
Nevertheless, there are many who slander our teachers.
Education has become very difficult, especially because of the pandemic. It was difficult to teach when students were trying to learn on computers at home, and it became difficult to teach when students wore masks to class and parents complained about masks. It was hard when many blamed teachers for the school board making the difficult decision to stay in school or learn from home. I forgot that I had to worry if I didn’t bring it home to my family.
It’s hard to know that students have to undergo safety training for fear that someone with an assault rifle will next visit the school. is not a good place to study. This has got to be far more harmful than wearing a mask. Requiring teachers to prepare for the next person with an assault rifle is not what we have to ask of them.
These days, many people think they know better than their teachers about what should be included in the school curriculum. For some reason, they even think the teachers are coming home at night to make something up. Instead, they harass teachers and school districts.
Teaching and low wages are enough challenges. Faced with these additional challenges, not surprisingly, many teachers are retiring early or moving on to other careers.
We should always support our teachers, but more than ever, we need to support and thank them for continuing to do this necessary and irreplaceable work. Please consider. You can also check with your school to see how you can volunteer.
Needless to say, you can help your child’s education by reading books to them, helping them with their homework, and letting them know the importance of education.
Bob lives in Longmont and knows his life benefits from access to quality public and post-secondary education. He fondly remembers many of his teachers.
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