Statistical bioinformatics and data science for single-cell spatial genomics
1. Background
of. This scholarship was established to provide financial support to PhD students conducting research in statistical approaches to spatial genomics at single-cell resolution.
b. This scholarship is funded through an ARC grant for the Statistical Approaches Project for Spatial Genomics at Single-Cell Resolution.
2. Eligibility
of. Scholarships are offered if the applicant has unconditional admission or is currently studying full-time for a PhD at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney.
b. Applicants without unconditional admission may apply and be selected, but scholarship offers will not be sent until the applicant has received unconditional admission.
c. Applicants must be willing to undertake statistical bioinformatics and data science research in single-cell spatial genomics as part of the Sydney Precision Data Science Centre.
d. Applicants must be domestic students.
e. Applicants must also hold at least one of the following degrees in Mathematics:
I. Honors Degree (First Class or Second Class Upper) or equivalent in a related field; or
II. Master’s degree with a substantial research component.
f. The applicant’s research or assistant supervisor must be Dr. Shila Ghazanfar.
3. Selection criteria
of. Successful applicants will be awarded a scholarship based on:
I. Academic performance
II. resume,
III. Previous research experience.
IV. (i.) A personal statement of willingness to conduct interdisciplinary research at the interface between statistics and computational biology. (ii.) Good data analysis and coding skills in R;
b. Scholarships will be awarded to successful applicants on the recommendation of Dr. Shila Ghazanfar and Prof. Jean Yang.
4. Value
of. The scholarships offer scholarships equivalent to the University of Sydney Research Training Program (RTP) scholarship rate (indexed on 1st January each year) for up to three years, subject to satisfactory academic performance.
b. PhD holders are encouraged to complete their PhD in three years, but may apply for an extension of primary scholarship for up to six months.
c. Periods of study already undertaken towards the degree prior to the commencement of the scholarship will be deducted from the maximum duration of the scholarship, excluding potential extension periods.
d. Scholarships commence during the period of study to which they are offered and cannot be deferred or transferred to another area of study without prior approval.
e. There are no other payments to be made.
f. Scholarships are subject to availability of funds.
5. Eligibility for Promotion
of. Progress is contingent on attending and passing an annual progress assessment.
6. Vacation Arrangements
of. Scholarship recipients will receive up to 20 business days of recreational leave each year of the scholarship. This can occur. However, the student will forfeit any remaining unused leave when the scholarship ends or is completed. Recreational leave does not induce vacation stowage and must be approved by a supervisor prior to taking leave.
b. Scholarship recipients may take up to 10 business days of sick leave each year of the scholarship, which may occur during the term of the scholarship. Students experiencing family responsibilities, caring for a sick child or relative, or experiencing domestic violence may convert their annual sick leave entitlement to up to five days of carer’s leave by presenting a medical certificate. Students on sick leave should notify their supervisor as soon as possible.
7. Overseas research
of. Scholarship recipients are generally not permitted to conduct research abroad within six months of receiving the award.
b. Recipients should follow official advice from the University and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Travel in light of travel restrictions due to Covid-19.
c. Scholarship holders may undertake up to 12 months of study outside Australia. Approval must be sought from the student’s supervisor, the principal, and the faculty through the application for the Higher Degree through the Center for Research and Administration (HDRAC) and is granted only if the research is essential to the completion of the degree .
d. In addition, further approvals may be required as outlined in the University of Sydney Covid-19 Response Plan.
e. All overseas study periods are cumulative and count towards the student’s candidacy. Students must be enrolled full-time at the university and have approval to count hours.
f. If the recipient is conducting research outside Australia, the recipient acknowledges that the University of Sydney is not responsible for any costs incurred. This includes, but is not limited to: travel expenses and remittances (except as noted in the amounts listed in Section 4 (Amounts) of this scholarship), travel restrictions or Australia delays due to state and/or federal quarantine requirements upon return to
8. Suspension
of. Scholarship recipient may not suspend scholarship during her first six months of study, except where legal provisions apply.
b. Scholarship recipients may request suspension of the scholarship for up to 12 months for any reason during the term of the scholarship. Scholarship suspension periods are cumulative and if you are unable to resume your studies after suspension, your scholarship will be terminated. Approval must be sought from the student’s supervisor, the principal, and the department through the Higher Degree Application through the Center for Research and Administration (HDRAC). The period of study towards the degree during which the scholarship is suspended will be deducted from the maximum tenure of the scholarship.
9. Change of Enrollment
of. Scholarship recipients shall promptly notify HDRAC and their supervisors of any planned changes in enrollment, including but not limited to attendance patterns, suspensions, leave of absence, withdrawals, course changes, and upgrades or downgrades of candidacy. must be notified. If the winner does not notify the above changes, the university may request the refund of the overpaid scholarship.
10. Termination
of. Scholarship ends:
I. If the recipient withdraws or withdraws the research degree;
II. at the time of paper submission or at the end of the award,
III. If the recipient is no longer a full-time student and prior approval has not been obtained to hold the scholarship part-time;
IV. When a recipient has completed a maximum candidate for a degree in accordance with the University of Sydney (Higher Degrees by Research) Regulations 2011 Policy;
V. If Recipient Receives Alternative Primary Scholarship. In such circumstances, this scholarship will be terminated in favor of a more valuable alternative scholarship.
VI.if the beneficiary does not resume studies at the end of the approved leave period; or
VII. Recipient no longer meets the eligibility requirements specified for this scholarship (except during periods when the scholarship is suspended or during approved leave periods).
b. The Scholarship may be terminated by the University prior to this point if, in the University’s opinion:
II.the student fails to maintain satisfactory progress, or
III. If the student commits cheating or other inappropriate behavior.
c. Scholarships will be suspended for the duration of the inquiry/appeal process.
d. Once the scholarship is terminated, it cannot be reversed except in the case of the University’s negligence.
11. Cheating
of. If, during the term of the scholarship, the student engages in fraudulent or other improper conduct (either during the term of the scholarship or in connection with the student’s application and eligibility for the scholarship), in the University’s opinion, The University may request that the funds be recovered if necessary. Students repaying payments made in connection with scholarships. Examples of such conduct include, but are not limited to: Academic misconduct, research misconduct within the meaning of the Code of Conduct (e.g., plagiarism in the proposal, conduct, or reporting of research results, failure to declare or manage a material conflict of interest), violation of the Code of Conduct, or Scholarship. Students and misrepresentations in relevant application materials or other documents.
b. The University may require such repayment at any time during or after the term of the scholarship. Further, by accepting this scholarship, the student agrees that all aspects of any fraud investigation related to this scholarship will be disclosed by the University to the funding agency and/or relevant professional bodies.
12. Intellectual Property
of. Recipients (students) of this scholarship must complete a student diploma ballot provided by the University of Sydney.
of. The student agrees to keep all confidential information disclosed by the University of Sydney confidential and not to disclose it to third parties without the prior written consent of the University of Sydney, where necessary or where required by law. need to do it.
14. Publications and Acknowledgments
of. Student recipients must acknowledge scholarship support in media, publications, or presentations resulting from their research. This includes approval of ARC funding and must comply with the guidelines outlined in the ARC Open Access Policy.