New security guards prepare to pick up the torch as fashion giants pass by
Following the death of Issey Miyake, Hanae Mori passed away last month at the age of 96. Both figures not only articulated a clear vision of what Western clothing should look like as a representation of the Japanese, but they also contributed to fashion in their own surprising ways. More than just an aesthetic paradigm, it proved to subsequent generations that Japanese fashion designers could stand out on the world stage.
Hanae Mori reached the pinnacle of dressmaking. In 1977, she became the first Asian to be accepted into She La Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne, a mechanism of approval to the coveted world of Parisian haute couture. She Mori received her cross-border acclaim and in 1996 she became the first fashion designer to receive the Order of Cultural Merit.
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