New Hampshire’s Education Freedom Account Program Doubles

Published: Sep 10, 2022 11:35:48 AM
Updated: Sep 10, 2022 11:35:17 AM
Enrollments in New Hampshire’s Education Freedom Account, a school voucher program, have doubled since the first year, the Department of Education announced Friday.
The program, which gives low-income students the opportunity to use state funds for nonpublic education, has 3,025 students enrolled in the fall of 2022, compared to 1,635 in the fall of 2021. Of the students who attended in their first year, 1,572 attended or he returned 96% in her second year.
“The program is growing significantly and is progressing at a faster pace than other states that have adopted similar initiatives,” said school board member Frank Edelblut. “While the results have exceeded our expectations, New Hampshire families have an opportunity to determine the best educational path for their children, and we are giving students from underprivileged a variety of opportunities to meet their individual learning needs. It’s exciting and encouraging to know you have a choice.”
The Education Freedom Account program vouchers totaled approximately $14.7 million this year. Low-income New Hampshire students can use the voucher for nonpublic education options such as private schools, religious schools, and homeschooling. To qualify, a child’s household income must be 300% or less of her federal poverty level ($83,250 or less per year for a family of four).
Of the 3,025 current students participating in the Education Freedom Account program this year, approximately half or 1,504 students are eligible for free and discounted lunches. Family of 4. The other half of participants fall between 185% and 300% of the federal poverty level.
“Half of our enrolled children live below the poverty level,” said Edelblatt. “These families are seeking non-traditional models of education for children who may not be educationally successful.”
The program is controversial, with proponents claiming it expands educational opportunities for students and opponents claiming it undermines traditional public schools by depriving them of key funding needed to support students. ing.
As in previous years, the majority of participants were students who had already received non-public education prior to enrollment. About 42% of those (1,260 students) are what the Department of Education calls “switchers,” who leave their designated public schools to pursue non-public educational opportunities.
Of those who made the switch, about 55% made the switch in 2021 or 2022. This was probably triggered by the Education Freedom Accounts program.
As in the first year, the majority of participants continue to be in lower grades, mostly in grades 1-6. Relatively few high school students participate in the program. Approximately 187 (approximately 6%) of program participants are special education students, and 10 (less than 1%) are English language learners.
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