Massachusetts DPH issues health advisory due to harmful bacteria in Lake Pontusk
Pittsfield, Massachusetts (WGGB/WSHM) – The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has issued a public health advisory after confirming a blue-green algal bloom in Lake Pontussac.
Pittsfield Public Health Director Andy Cambi told Western Mass News that a recent algae test detected a cyanobacterial outbreak that could have adverse health effects in those who come into contact with it. rice field.
Cyanobacteria naturally occurring in Massachusetts lakes and ponds are generally harmless, but in warmer climates and nutrient-dense environments, they can bloom and can be harmful when in contact with the skin. .
Blooms can also be harmful if inhaled or swallowed droplets that come in contact with algae during underwater activities.
Cyanobacteria can cause:
- skin, eye, and/or ear irritation
- Gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting or diarrhea
- muscle spasms
- nerve or liver problems (in extreme cases)
Officials also warned that pets could be at risk, especially if they licked contaminated water from their fur or paws.
Residents are encouraged to avoid water that looks green and has a foul odor. Scum and/or film may also be present on the water surface.
Authorities have also warned residents to avoid the following high-risk activities until further notice:
- swimming, swimming, diving
- drinking, allowing animals to drink from water
- Water sports such as skiing, tubing and jet skiing
- fishing
- canoe
- rowing
- sailing
- motor boat
- paddle boarding
- Kayak
Officials are asking anyone who has come into contact with algae or contaminated water to call their healthcare provider or the Poison Control Service at 1-800-222-1222. If your pet comes into contact with water, call your veterinarian immediately.
If you have questions about the algae outbreak, call the Pittsfield Health Department at 413-499-9411.
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