Elmore County Board of Education Holds Special Convening Meeting Thursday – Elmore-Autauga News

Tatum Northington
Elmore/Otaga News
The Elmore County Board of Education held a special convocation meeting on August 11, 2022. The superintendent and her five of her seven directors were present, with Joey Holly and Ray Sa Finley absent. Attendance was low, with only a few community members. The meeting was live-streamed on Facebook for those who wanted to watch, but the video was available for live viewing only.
Superintendent Richard Dennis addressed just a few items to the board and the meeting lasted about 15 minutes. Dennis discussed the audit results and enrollment figures (approximately 11,231 total students across his 16 schools in the district). The newly opened Redland Middle School is featured and currently has 546 students enrolled.
Dennis explained that the main reason for this specially convened meeting was to address personnel actions, and explained that the school district has about five qualified positions available. He said he believes all of this will be fulfilled in the coming weeks.
Concerned are the need for utility workers, child nutrition workers, and special education aides countywide. Dennis asked the Board to consider an action item, and Chairman of the Board Michael Morgan asked if Board members had any pending issues. Nothing was done and the motion to authorize personnel changes was unanimously approved. The Board-approved Personnel Report can be found here.
Denise then discussed upcoming events. He foresees that another special meeting will be needed to take measures regarding personnel, but due to the high number of vacancies, the date is not yet known.
The August regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 16th at 5:00 pm at Redland Middle School with an official ribbon cutting ceremony and an open house to tour the new school. Public participation is encouraged.
President Morgan commended the Superintendent, Central Office staff, Redlands Middle School administration and staff, and especially Mike Ward, for “Redlands opening on schedule and being a great campus.”
There was no other agenda item and the meeting was adjourned to 12:15pm.
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