Can they actually pose a health risk?


Superfood is a marketing phrase for foods that are said to be nutrient dense and have great health benefits.
Are superfoods that great?
A healthy diet is important to many people. He believes 48% of people believe that much-touted “superfoods” such as quinoa, chia seeds and goji berries are necessary components of a healthy diet. They are said to have health-promoting qualities and some are even believed to help ward off illness.
“There is a wide range of so-called superfoods, but the term has no scientific or legal definition,” said Professor Dr. Andreas Hensel, president of the BfR. “At our event, we will take a closer look at the scientific evaluation of these foods and discuss risk perceptions in the population.”
“Many so-called superfoods are offered and advertised, often via the Internet, with sometimes unacceptable promises,” said Friedel Cramer, President of BVL.
“In such cases, especially if the product may pose a health risk, the competent authorities are called upon. It will be highlighted by experts at the event.”
There are various foods that are marketed as “superfoods.” Instead of risks, the majority of people perceive them as health benefits. Superfoods are generally plant-based foods that contain high concentrations of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, or secondary plant compounds. Contrary to popular opinion, these foods can pose health risks, especially in concentrated forms.
The German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment and the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety analyzed superfoods at a recent conference. In addition to scientific evaluation of foods advertised as superfoods, they also discussed risk perception and regulatory aspects. The overall focus was on consumer health protection.
Conference: Super (?) Foods and Supplements – Dangerous or Healthy?
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