Back to School: Education On Parenting From A Distance | Rivkin Radler LLP
Now your college kids are decorating their dorm rooms and collecting syllabi for every class (whether they read them is another matter). You may crave the days when you were an integral part of their routine, but your job is not done yet. You can keep yourself safe.
- Health insurance card
- Proof of COVID vaccination and booster shots
- Excelsior app on your child’s phone (digital proof of immunization for New York State)
- Your child has the Health app installed on their phone
- Emergency contact designated in your child’s phone and health app
- List of serious health conditions and medications in the health app
- Consider an item of medical alert jewelry for children with life-threatening health conditions
- cell phone charger
- A family tracking app installed on the child’s mobile phone with the child’s consent
- first aid kit
- car emergency kit
Additionally, all students must have a medical proxy. The Health Care Privacy Act (commonly known as Her HIPAA) doesn’t allow health care providers to share the health information of anyone over the age of 18 except with people designated by the patient. A medical surrogate allows you, or someone your child designates, to speak to a medical professional on your behalf if your young adult child becomes incapacitated or seriously ill for any reason while in college. . In the meantime, have your child sign her HIPAA certification so you can access your child’s medical records.
If your child owns property, you should consider signing a will. If your child has specific wishes about life-sustaining treatment, there are legal ways to document those wishes.
To advocate for your child outside of medicine, you will need to complete a legal document. The following are the most important:
Power of Attorney: This document authorizes the designated agent to perform certain non-medical activities. Under a power of attorney, your child may nominate you to control financial decisions, access records, and perform other non-medical activities on their behalf.
FERPA Exemption: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires schools to protect the confidentiality of educational records. Once a child reaches the age of 18, she has no right to know her child’s educational background (even if she has paid for college tuition). Most schools have their own FERPA waiver form for your child to complete and sign.
Non-Driver ID: Life has changed and now you need government-issued photo ID for everything from opening a bank account to boarding a plane. Your child’s best bet is to have REAL ID compliant identification, such as a hardened driver’s license or ID card.
Your college-aged kids may claim to be adults, but many still want parental help. Show your children the importance of proactive planning.