Pandemic helps bring new awareness to mental health
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health of many people. However, some have become more resilient.
Susan Albers, Ph.D., a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic, says this is one of many positive changes that have occurred in recent years.
Albers says the pandemic has also increased conversations about mental health, which has helped reduce stigma.
Additionally, many have had to find new ways to deal with being unable to go to the gym or contacting family and friends.
According to Albers, research shows that even now that restrictions have ended, some people continue to practice these new habits.
Another benefit is that people have learned how to say no and set boundaries.
For example, if I don’t want to go somewhere, I have no problem talking about it and it seems to continue.
Similarly, Albers says people have adjusted their social connections to better suit what they like.
“Cognitively, this is extremely important for the future. because we know,” says Albers.