Liv. Co. Public Health Announces 30 New Monkeypox Cases, What You Need to Know

The 30 new monkeypox cases have added to Riverside County’s growing total, which now stands at 158 cases.
“This was the largest number we have reported in a single day,” said Jose Alvaro, a spokesman for the Riverside County Public Health Department.
But according to Public Health, this is not considered a spike.
“One of the things we’ve learned during COVID is that the numbers we report don’t really occur on any particular day,” Arballo explained. I think we all know that it hasn’t been done, but as soon as we reported it, we got word that there would be more cases during the day. goes into the state, so that’s why we’re in a situation where the numbers are so high today.”
Rather, public health is due to more people testing.
“It’s an increase in testing,” Arballo continued. “It’s not like COVID that you can get it easily. It takes certain things to spread MPX. means an increase in
In addition, testing standards have been expanded, meaning more people are eligible to take the test.
“You probably haven’t traveled to an area where MPX is more widespread. It was quite small, and it has been expanded further in the last few weeks, so more people are being tested,” Arballo said.
Instead of just traveling, patients with a rash with fluid-filled lesions resembling blisters are now eligible for testing.
Regardless, public health continues to find new ways to vaccinate more people.
“We will also be doing a new form of vaccine administration, up to five doses per vial,” he said. can do.”
This new form of vaccination, underscored by Public Health, is just as effective as previous methods.
“I have been told by federal and state health officials that the intradermal injection is just as effective for people who received their first dose in other ways,” he shared.
As of Wednesday, Public Health had 5,500 vaccines available, and has since allocated 75% of them to community partners such as Eisenhower and DAP Health.
Click for more information on tests, new standards and vaccines here.
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