How St. John Paul II used science to fight abortion
In Evangelion Vite, Saint John Paul II pointed to modern scientific research in support of the beginning of human life in the womb.
In defending the Catholic Church’s pro-life position, Saint John Paul II appealed to science to explain why the Church opposes abortion.
in his encyclical he detailed the science behind the church’s views Evangelium Vite.
Some people, as a result of conception, at least up to a certain number of days, still cannot be considered personal human life.From the moment the egg is fertilized, the life of neither father nor mother’s rather a new human life along with your growth. If it was not already human, it will never become human. This has always been clear and… Modern genetic science offers definite confirmationIt shows that from the first moment a program is established for what this living being will become: a person, this individual whose characteristic aspects are already well determined. A life adventure that begins with fertilizationAnd each ability requires a significant amount of time to find its place and be able to act. ”
Saint John Paul II refers to the reality that when fertilization occurs something happens and a new life form is created. This organism is completely new, containing all the instructions necessary for growth and maturity, unlike fathers and mothers.
While some philosophers and scientists may disagree about the exact moment of the beginning of human life, Saint John Paul II points out: even the possibility That human life begins at conception should make us pause and think what we are doing with abortion.
Moreover, what is at stake is of great importance, and from the point of view of moral obligation, The mere fact that humans may be involved is enough to justify an absolutely explicit ban on interventions aimed at killing human embryos.For this very reason, in addition to all scientific arguments and philosophical commitments to which the Magisterium is not explicitly involved, the Church always maintains that the consequences of human reproduction are, from the first moment of its existence, human beings. guaranteed unconditional respect morally attributed to the wholeness and unity of body and mind of
If science has not settled on the exact beginning of human life, Saint John Paul II urges us to exercise caution and not rush to kill other humans.