Health Issues Briefing: “Physician Burnout, Workforce Strains, and Lessons from COVID-19”

In 2016, in partnership with the Physicians Foundation, health problems Launched a series of articles on “medical practice” that focus on key health policy issues affecting physicians. This effort has produced a comprehensive collection of policy research in this area.
upon Thursday, September 22nd health problems Editor-in-chief Alan Weil host an online forum “Physician Burnout, Workforce Burden, and Lessons from COVID-19” It highlights recent research featured in the Practice of Medicine series and broader issues facing medical professionals. The event comes just one week after National Physician Suicide Awareness Day (September 17).
Confirmed speakers are:
–Bineet AroraMD, Herbert T. Abelson Professor of Medicine and Dean of Medical Education, Chicago Medical School (Arora, Ph.D., recently contributed to practice in a practice series: “Female Physicians Have Simulated 40-Year Careers.”) health problemsDecember 2021)
–Lawrence P. CasalinoMD, PhD, MPH, Livingston Farrand Professor, Department of Healthcare Policy and Research, Weill Cornell Medical College (Dr. Casalino recently contributed to the Practice of Medicine series. It’s complicated.” health problemsApril 2022)
–Samuel T. EdwardsMD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, Staff Physician in the General Medicine Section of the Veterans Administration Portland Health Care System (Dr. Edwards recently contributed to the practice of the Medical Series: “Cultural and Structural Features” On Zero Burnout Primary Care Practices,” health problemsJune 2021)
–Amy FreemanMD, MBA, Chief Wellness Officer, Hackensack Meridian Health
–Gary PriceMD, President, Physicians Foundation
–Others to be announced.
Date: Thursday, September 22, 2022
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM ET
Location: Online details will be shared with registrants 24 hours prior to event
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