Does Charter ‘Accountability’ Undermine Diversity in Charter Leadership?

Education policy often involves difficult trade-offs, such as between accountability and community, where the best intentions of technocrats collide with the needs of students in real-world schools.
Case in point, matching teachers and race is perhaps the hottest topic in educational reform. Advocates argue that African-American students benefit from exposure to African-American teachers. Major corporate philanthropic efforts are pouring millions of dollars into expanding the pipeline of African-American teachers. The hypotheses that fuel these claims make sense. Teachers do better when they understand and connect with their students and parents. These feelings are, on average, stronger among students and teachers of color. African-American students often find moderate positive statistical relationships with test scores, attendance, discipline, graduation, and college attendance when they have teachers of the same race. research finds.
As we detail, a small but growing literature likewise suggests positive results from diverse school leaders. In short, Black school leaders are better suited to understand the needs of students of color and manage schools in a way that maximizes their potential. Success can be achieved by hiring and retaining the right teachers. That’s why I was concerned that the strict regulations that authorize charters seemed to create a disproportionate barrier to entry for people of color aspiring to run charters. A recently published study found even more sources of alarm. Charter regulations do not affect market entry as well as exit from the market in any way.
Our new paper specifically explores the different effects imposed by default closure laws. These laws require charter schools to close “unless there are extenuating circumstances” if they fail to meet certain guarantees of performance. In other words, it is regulators, not parents who vote with their feet, who make decisions about the charter school life cycle.
Importantly, the tripwires that trigger closures vary greatly from state to state. Some states mandate closures for failing to meet performance expectations specified in charter contracts. This can be tailored to the specific student bodies offered, but some states mandate closures due to failure to meet general proficiency standards. Missouri, for example, mandates closure if there is “clear evidence of poor performance in her three of the last four school years” and the poor performance is based on universal grade standards.
Overall, out of the 24 states that received charter petitions, 53.2% of charters founded by African Americans were closed compared to 20.4% of charters founded by others in default closure settings. I understand this. With the default non-occlusion settings, these numbers drop to 18.9% and 11.5%, respectively.
Using national data, we also observe that results vary widely depending on student demographics. In environments with default closures, 38.5% of majority Black schools close compared to 14.6% of non-majority Black schools.In the default non-closure setting, the majority black charter schools Less than More likely to close than other charters (23.5% vs. 26.2%). While we cannot conclude that these differences are causal in default closure laws, the magnitude of interstate differences is evident in how bureaucrats and parents assess school quality in the education quasi-market. It certainly suggests that there are differences.
Tensions between families and bureaucrats are nothing new to the debate over how best to regulate charter schools. As early as 2004, Rick Hess warned that families and bureaucrats would inevitably clash over the conditions leading to the charter’s closure. Competing visions of charter schools remain a wedge problem between influential school selection organizations. The Center for Educational Reform warned that default closures “could close charter schools that offer students and parents something that the public schools in It may discourage us from serving in ways that might serve others.” It’s very necessary, but it doesn’t always lead to better test scores. Meanwhile, the National Association of Charter School Accreditors includes it as part of its model law.
Proponents of the charter school regulatory model often develop their arguments in tribute to empirical insights. For example, it cites a study from Ohio that concluded that students who were closed on charters by the default closure law benefited academically, as measured by standardized tests. Yet our research highlights the reality that education policy always involves trade-offs. Even if default closure laws yield improvements in test scores, they seem to come disproportionately at the expense of agencies in communities of color. Parents vote with their feet) has a laudable goal of improving test scores, but a more humble practice of who the regulators are would increase legitimacy and improve engagement with the charter community. It can strengthen relationships. Models can either empower or depower. The National Association of Charter School Accreditors’ recent pledge to “put the community at the center” has privileged charter management organizations that are larger and more predictable than mom-and-pop charters within the community, allowing them to enter and exit the market. It is not at all consistent with the claims that tend to create racial inequality in
One potential solution to mitigate the unfair outcomes we have observed is to amend the default closure method to use only student growth as a performance indicator and not student performance. is to itself. But even that approach has traditionally been underserved or at risk, as research suggests that academic progress tends to be slower for students with social and emotional problems. It may inadvertently punish schools with students who have been exposed to
The recent dramatic expansion of school options across the country has raised urgent questions about the role of charters in an ecosystem of diverse publicly funded school options. We don’t profess to have the answer, but our empirical research should serve as a lesson.
Martha Bradley Dorsey is a research fellow at the University of Arkansas School of Educational Reform. Ian Kingsbury is a Senior Fellow at his Educational Freedom Institute. Robert Maranto is an Endowed Chair in Leadership at the University of Arkansas School of Education Reform.
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