Teen Health and Wellness Summit in Jackson
JACKSON, Mississippi (WJTV) – The 1st Annual Jackson Revival Health and Wellness Teen Summit kicked off with keynote speakers, vendors, activities and dining.
Jackson’s Department of Health and Human Services works with local organizations to promote physical health, mental health, mental health and sexual health with the goal of better educating teenagers and removing stereotypes. I am targeting.
“This event is important because Jackson, Mississippi has always had this negative stereotype. We want to change that. We want to be a visible change.” Historically speaking, we know we’re going to be engaging with teenagers who will be our future leaders, they have the skills and the tools, but they need guidance.They need guidance.They need guidance. , they need to know that someone has a true heart and is there for them.
Teenagers from the Jackson community were able to ask questions and socialize with their peers during the summit.
Free COVID-19 vaccines were also available, just in time for students to return to school.
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