Annual Fundraiser for the Victorian Association for Extended Education Underway | Local News

The Victorian Association for Extended Education’s 2022 pecan, peanut and walnut sale is underway, according to a news release from the association.
“Change has come. After 14 years of no price increase for pecans, the Victorian Education Outreach Council announced a price increase for pecans only this year. Please support our association.Your support helps us continue to support scholarships.”Our loyal customers support us year after year.” We appreciate it and look forward to meeting many new customers this year.”
A 5-pound box of fresh-shelled pecan halves is $65, a 3-pound box of fresh-shelled pecan halves is $40, a 3-pound cloth bag of raw, shelled peanuts is $12, and walnut halves are $12. 1 lb ziplock bags and pieces are $10. You can buy a 1-pound bag of Texas Deluxe Mixed Nuts for $10.
Orders arrive in time for holiday cooking, baking, gifts, or personal enjoyment.
Order deadline is October 3rd at 5pm. Orders can be placed at 361-573-0688 or 361-649-6776, or Jean Heil, 1113 Albrecht Road, Victoria, TX 77905.
You can also order from the VEEA Club President or VEEA Member Everready EE Club, Betty Williams (361-575-7550). Pleasant Green EE Club, Lametrica Johnson-King, Phone 512-632-6962. Raisin Coletoville EE Club, JoAnn Bone, phone 361-578-7629. or Victoria Ladies of Distinction EE Club, Tonika Bufford, 361-218-0877.
Checks must be paid to VEEA (Victoria Extension Education Association). Other information on the check should include your name, address, phone number and the type of nuts you order.
The specified pick up date for the order is November 18th from 8am to 4pm at the Victoria AgriLife Building at 528 Waco Circle near Victoria Regional Airport. Curbside service will be available.
“We appreciate your continued support as we continue our annual scholarship fundraiser,” said Heil.
The 2021 scholarship recipients were Lenny Bradisic, Katrin John, Jason Malek, and Travis Schrade.
In addition to scholarships, VEEA also provides 4-H support through contests and special projects, the Texas AgriLife Extension program at the South Texas Farm and Ranch Show, leadership training, educational programs for members, and financial support to other organizations. It offers. Victoria county.
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